
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Summary Module 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary Module 7 - Essay Exampleon should follow both the theological and philosophical nature to shade the light on the truth by reducing the difference between the west and the east as far as Christianity perspectives ar concerned.The Encyclical Redemption mission calls the church to make it known to all that the Gospel is the truth through definitive word of savior in full. This is because the beliefs by other religions about Jesus, which are not true, and they should be ignored. Obedience, faith and the truth should be the guidance to the church when proclaiming the word of God as Jesus died after instructing us to do so. The church should understand that the word is the true picture of revelation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This as seen in the New Testament shows that God sent Jesus to the world to die for us and that whoever wants to see God has to pass through Christ.Initially, children who die before baptism were believed to go to hell because of the inherited sins from their parents as per Augustines thought. This is a changed belief in the Catholic, as the penalty of sin pull up stakes be burdened to the actual sinner. The children will enjoy peace with God according to pope Innocent III. Since we live in the world of faith and hope, we should have hope for the better of the children who die receivable to abortion. In the Bible Jesus point out that, children will inherit the kingdom of God and they should not be prohibited from coming to the Christ as per the book of Mathew in the New Testament. Evangelism vita by John Paul II indicates that children while still in the wombs of their mothers are Godly objects of Fatherly loving. This means that they are blessed before they are born. It is illogical to judge the fate of unbaptized children as it is only the jurisdiction of the Creator.From the New Testament, Jesus teaches about going to paradise to be entailing knowing Jesus and being born again. In patristic period, it gave a provis ion for salvation outside the church only to those

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