
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

History of United Airlines :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

History of join AirlinesHistory fall in Airlines aircraft have soared through the skies for more than 70 years. ab initio used to transport U.S. mail, the planes soon took on a few sporting passengers. In a matter of years, air travel was embraced by the world(a) public, creating a indigence for larger, faster, more luxurious aircraft.By 1914 aviation technology was sophisticated enough to make airplanes valuable wartime tools. In 1918, the U.S. government rear an important peacetime role for aviation delivering mail. Entrepreneur Walter T. Varney launched his U.S. air mail accomplishment April 6, 1926, marking the birth of commercial aviation in the United States. Because Varney was a predecessor of United, it also marked the birth of the airline.With the advent of larger aircraft, much(prenominal) as the Boeing and Ford trimotors, came stewardess service. Boeing Air Transport employee, Steve Stimpson, took the suggestion of value Ellen Church. He proposed that nurses serv e coffee and sandwiches and minister to the comfort of apprehensive flyers.As aviation matured, airlines, aircraft manufacturers and airport operators merged into giant corporations. When cries of monopoly arose, the conglomerates dismantled.Few things escaped the eclipse cast by World War II, and the aviation industry was no exception. For 60 wearisome months, United put aside its quest for step-up andprofitability and took on a new responsibility serving the U.S. military. United modified its aircraft for war, trained ground crews and flew thousands of missions to Alaska and across the Pacific to transport soldiers and supplies.The post-war economic boom that swept the United States included a strong demand for air travel. President William A. Patterson responded by expanding Uniteds workforce, acquiring new routes and purchasing Uniteds offset printing jet aircraft. This strategy, along with the 1961 merger with Capital Airlines, solidified Uniteds industry lead and made th e company the worlds largest commercial airline. The end of World War II brought a brief period of euphoria to the war-weary people of the United States. limit was over, business and industry were back to a peacetime mode, and the nation was feeling the febrile excitement of the boom times economists had predicted.But while the forecasters were correct in their predictions, none came close to foretelling the suddenness and intensity with which the boom would urge on itself upon the nation, particularly upon the air transport industry. Airline fares had been reduced 10 percent since 1941, making it cheaper in many cases to travel by air than by rail.

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